[English] Back on the early of Satsuki's solo career - Interview by ASKEW MAGAZINE

Rentrer en Soi announced their disbandment late last year and held their last live on Christmas Day, 2008. As they graced the cover of our first issue in January 2009 during their final days it’s only just that Satsuki, the enigmatic singer whose voice characterized their sound, graces our pages once again at the dawn of his solo career.

“I’m using my solo career as an opportunity to start anew,” Satsuki explains, and that certainly rings true of his solo career so far. After being immersed in Rentrer en Soi’s band environment since 2001, Satsuki has decided to become a solo artist, surrounding himself with talented support members instead of forming a new band. He states that the decision was made because this way, he “can focus on just singing."

There has also been an abrupt change in Satsuki’s look. The more fashionable clothes have been replaced by a heavy visual look and although Rentrer en Soi dabbled in Christian imagery before, most notably on the single Stigmata and the album Yurikago,
Satsuki has taken it to another level for his first single release. The reason for the change? “Intuition,” Satsuki says cryptically.

The three words he uses to describe his solo music are “rock, spirit and heart,” and
all three can be heard flowing throughout every note of his first solo release. The maxi single AWAKE, shows him on the cover with long windswept hair and a cross and rosary around his neck. Available only via the shop at his website, it’s evident from the very first listen that Satsuki really is starting anew.

“The theme behind AWAKE is of my disillusioned awakening,” Satsuki explains. “I felt that was suitable for my first solo single. The lyrics to La Lune detail how down I felt when Rentrer en Soi disbanded, but it is also a song about my hopes to keep moving forward after that. Veil of MARIA is about a perfect holiness; one that exists with no impurities. The title track, AWAKE, is a song that conveys the theme of ‘awakening’ through its energy and In a Lucid Dream is as its title states; an image from a dream.”

Satsuki’s second solo release is entitled CRYSTAL. Will it follow the same route as AWAKE and have a central theme? “I see CRYSTAL as the Second Story, as it continues AWAKE's story. After such an awakening is a period of moving forward and this is the story of CRYSTAL.”

For Satsuki, moving forward meant a trip to Los Angeles shortly after the release of AWAKE. Rentrer en Soi had performed in America twice but had never ventured to LA, and it was quite evident when Askew caught up with Satsuki at Anime Expo that he was very excited to be in sunny California.

As well as his appearance at Anime Expo, Satsuki also performed a once-in-a-lifetime
show at the very intimate 2nd Street Jazz venue in LA’s Little Tokyo on July 4th. It was a performance that saw Satsuki only inches away from the tightly packed, and very lucky, crowd. But why America and why so soon after going solo? “I get a lot of support messages and letters from fans in America, so I wanted to meet everyone there,” Satsuki explains. “As for the live, I was just so happy to be so close to
everyone after all this time.”

It’s clear that Satsuki has fallen in love with both America and the fans that have written to him and gave him such a warm reception during that intimate performance in Little Tokyo. When asked for his dream concert venue, the one place above all that he would love to perform, his answer is simple – “anywhere in America. I would like to play there again because I love American fans! In five years' time I want to be living in America.”

“LA was beautiful; beyond anything I imagined,” Satsuki continues. “I was also happy
that I was finally able to visit Chrome Hearts [one of Satsuki’s favorite jewelry brands]. I want to live in America someday, so something I really want is a house.” He laughs before adding, “And more Chrome Hearts accessories!”

It’s not just America that Satsuki has his sights set on. “In the future I’d really like to tour Europe. I think that the borders between countries are disappearing and it’s easier to be heard throughout the world now than it was when Rentrer en Soi started.” Part of this change is undoubtedly due to the increase of high speed, reliable internet connections and the steady increase of internet users. There has been much heated debate about the role of the internet in the modern music scene, with illegal download sites and even more mainstream, legal sites such as YouTube being the subject of copyright claims and numerous cease and desist orders
over the past few years. Still, there are a growing number of artists who are recognizing the internet as a very useful tool when connecting with fans.

Satsuki took the unusual approach of releasing AWAKE as a download from his web shop, but what does he think of the internet’s role in the modern music industry? “I think that MySpace and other similar sites are really valuable as they allow us to send music across the world.”

With the world becoming ever smaller, there are still plenty of sights that Satsuki would like the opportunity to see. “I want to go to Finland as I’d really like to see the Aurora Borealis [commonly known as the Northern Lights, Aurora Borealis is a natural phenomenon that causes the Northern skies to be alight with beautiful shades of color such as blue and green]. If I’m traveling and need to relax I like to look at the sky as it rejuvenates me.”

After touring Japan extensively with Rentrer en Soi and performing in America three times, Satsuki has become accustomed to traveling and ensures that he always packs the most important things; “I never leave home without my hopes. I think that everyone should have an experience when they travel that makes them feel like they have something to improve upon when they get home.” But is there any part of home that he misses? “Miso soup,” he answers. “That should be served worldwide as I
miss it when I’m traveling.”

And what about the future for Satsuki, the solo artist? CRYSTAL is due in August, and his final words for those fans that have supported him through the disbanding of Rentrer en Soi and the disillusioned awakening of his solo career are three simple English words.

“I love you!”


What is Satsuki listening to?

What is your favorite type of music?
Satsuki: Rock

What would you consider to be your musical “guilty pleasure?”
Satsuki: Nothing

Complete the sentence: “Music is…”
Satsuki: Music is life for me.

What type of music do you find yourself listening to the most?
Satsuki: Rock.

Satsuki's Album Picks:

I really like this song because the melody is gorgeous. It’s my favorite kind of atmosphere; you can really feel "summer" in this song.

2: NIRVANA/NEVER MIND – "Smells Like Teen Spirit"
This song is so stimulating. It has an uplifting feel and a true rock vibe.

I listen to this a lot at home. I feel this song heals me and purifies my heart.

I like the whole album because of the melodies. I also listen to this a lot at home.

By Kellie Lacey for ASKEW MAGAZINE
September 2009 - Magazine Volume 3

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